笑而不语。 诺基亚,爱立信,都是华为在5G领域的强劲竞争对手。
" b/ v% u7 y) x, f m (图via网络)
0 o. Y, R5 @# h5 V这两天,各大设备商的5G订单数又刷新了:诺基亚42个,爱立信23个。(亦有媒体称爱立信是22个)$ \3 f8 z2 Q/ n, [
(图via globenewswire.com)) D( \/ d# J7 M& b: [* P$ ^
(via ericsson.com)
9 p5 q9 b' G$ o$ A i" N而华为,则在本月早些时候就以46个5G订单的成绩,超过了诺基亚,更把爱立信远远甩在身后……: u& C Z2 t: n. z
(via Economic Times)
- q+ C5 \/ \! Q3 M+ H P5 @Chinese telecom giant Huawei said it has obtained 46 commercial 5G contracts so far in 30 countries and shipped more than one lakh 5G stations globally, emerging as a top player in the race for setting up the super-fast telecommunications system despite the US ban on use of its 5G services.2 r/ g6 w% _# ^% a# J' {! A+ b
" S: E3 e, B. R2 W: b▲Huawei obtains 46 commercial 5G contracts from 30 countries despite US ban(via Economic Times)# f7 L( W2 Y3 K6 ]( B: j
& h# g7 S- X2 U2 E8 p5 a* j7 p# O. q3 j" M8 U0 K6 G1 C
' @! U6 v& Y3 d, g9 z (via pocketnow.com)# v$ [) h6 n. c' W1 _
(via Global Times)
5 }' i/ c1 O: H5 w% q, i# y8 wDespite rising US harassment and assault, China's Huawei Technologies has doubled its 5G contacts outside China, continuing supplying major carriers in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.
1 W8 L: e0 y" C( q) S尽管美国的骚扰与攻击不断增多,但华为已将其中国境外的5G业务增加了一倍,继续为欧洲、亚洲和中东的主要运营商提供服务。
9 Y- J1 P G" i7 a2 m& F5 sHuawei has secured so far 50 5G contracts outside China market as of Tuesday, ...Ding Yun, a senior executive of Huawei, told a summit ahead of the launch of MWC19 Shanghai.
3 v m+ S q s4 m v: w: ~9 o在上海MWC19上,华为高管丁云表示,华为迄今已在中国以外的市场获得了50个5G合同。
! k6 b, y/ F# d# O6 `▲Huawei gains 50 5G contracts outside China, shrugging off US clampdown(via Global Times)
$ q$ o; j0 v4 i3 y50个5G合同,而且还只是中国以外的市场!
/ k- H4 e# X) K+ f 也不知是不是被超过了感到不爽,华为在5G领域的强劲竞争对手——诺基亚,这两天有点“精分”。
: _7 H/ F4 j' X( j9 f$ n先是诺基亚一高管警告英国:用华为要小心啊,有安全风险!
$ J( K) s. x3 q @ (via BBC/cityam.com)/ A6 f( p8 U z- p7 k7 f# e
$ B, k/ S6 N3 V% M5 m S2 f接着,诺基亚又忙着站出来擦屁股:这是他的个人言论啊,不代表我们整个公司的立场!
' z+ W5 v9 Q7 B; b& C8 n (via BBC)3 x! P- r- K' l2 e! w
Telecoms giant Nokia has disowned the comments one of its senior executives made about rival Huawei./ x4 _/ L1 a0 {$ s+ C- W% }
电信巨头诺基亚,否认了其高管对于竞争对手华为的评论。# T& ~/ M+ q% |. u Q9 n0 V
Nokia's chief technology officer Marcus Weldon told the BBC that the UK should be wary of using the Chinese hardware.0 l9 z& W& J" t3 v; o( Z* Q
诺基亚首席技术官马库斯·韦尔登曾对BBC说,英国应警惕使用中国的硬件设备。& h) C1 ` a$ Y
In a statement issued after the BBC story was published, the Finnish firm said his comments do "not reflect the official position of Nokia".
3 f: o$ N. w; k) d在BBC的这篇报道刊登后,这家芬兰公司(指诺基亚)发表了一份声明,表示韦尔登的言论“不代表诺基亚的官方立场”。
) c) P; z" f2 @' C% T) r8 ]' j▲Nokia distances itself from boss's warning over Huawei 5G kit (via BBC)) X8 C7 Z( H a# \7 [
▲诺基亚发布的声明! h8 ^; j2 Y: J( ~0 t
$ l4 c7 O' p9 l& n7 C, ^诺基亚:骂华为?我不是我没有!3 }% T3 a% K+ v
* z. J1 p8 B) @. L3 f8 {0 J# }+ g; {* G1 K4 J5 ^. S3 g0 M }
来感受下这语气……( s/ Z1 l& a' v& U: g* l* ~* S
Huawei has denied that its equipment poses a security risk, with a spokesman calling Mr Weldon's comments "misleading".
) |7 N+ K( N: [1 ^# U- U华为否认其设备会构成安全风险。一位发言人称,韦尔登的言论“具有误导性”。
4 K, w' L R) W3 N( FIn a separate statement given after Nokia disowned the tech boss's comments, Huawei said Nokia's had recognised that "ill-informed loose talk does not help our customers or the industry more widely"./ e- E* J7 {( h2 r; L1 v5 @" l
在诺基亚出面否认了韦尔登的言论(代表诺基亚官方)后,华为在另一份声明中表示,诺基亚已认识到,“浅薄的闲言碎语,无论对于我们的客户,亦或对整个行业,都毫无帮助”。) p. ^6 I; U4 M6 v+ G
It added: "We win new business by fair competition and on the basis of our technology and customer focus, not by denigrating our competitors.
! k. h+ P. t3 w) u声明中说:“我们赢得新业务,是通过公平竞争,并基于对技术和客户的关注——而不是靠诋毁竞争对手这样的手段。”
; l% c/ D5 y. V" d6 k▲Nokia distances itself from boss's warning over Huawei 5G kit (via BBC)
: w: y3 N; T* Q7 _ 在祝贺华为5G全球订单领先的同时,主页君也注意到了另一家公司。
$ l0 @1 c+ [0 v8 O$ R) v$ u- j- g! e它以25个5G订单的数量超过了爱立信(22个),暂列第三位。
: e* q) S9 C" k) C s5 J: S——中兴。/ d# c0 t4 ]3 R* H- i9 I
(图via网络)9 }% q" u1 @* k* W7 p
: ]+ q1 H6 h' J" R F
! s' V9 C+ _ [8 H9 _: h本月,中兴宣布其5G全球订单量已增至25个: W+ y8 L& O/ E: b- d$ Z
(via Business Insider)! ^; a* D1 S3 h& s' B& B
( I8 E9 t: s* F- H' YZTE Corporation today (6.25) announced that it has secured 25 5G commercial contracts globally and has been already committed to partnerships in the 5G arena with over 60 operators across the globe.+ I2 }- d7 O1 @
According to IPlytics, a market intelligence tool to analyze technology trends, market developments and a company's competitive position, as of June 15, ZTE had declared 1,424 families of 5G Standard-Essential Patents (SEP) and patent applications to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), ranking global top 3 in terms of the number of such families.
) \( q4 ]/ K M1 m: a3 N) Q1 ^9 k▲ZTE secures 25 5G commercial contracts (via Business Insider)+ c* Z- i1 f7 T: Z6 l7 k
(via @中兴通讯 公号)
% \" _( d; ^( Z0 n! t- G (图via网络)
* T ?) k: z, I! k7 R# K; H- D7 y( {# O. e0 ?4 f
4 @+ T6 Y$ m6 M6 e5 Z) {华为加油!中兴加油!, i( G% W* |/ S+ a
(图via网络)/ w% A& D, J+ Z" g
1 [, x+ I8 \% l7 n$ I9 B$ e0 Q/ \文:lanlan
7 y/ o+ J: i6 d" K图:外媒、网络等; W9 a1 U, D. b+ e* G5 ^" O
" U+ R6 F5 I. u6 u9 d
1 I6 S8 \1 v9 M9 ]4 ?% ]% a; l免责声明:如果侵犯了您的权益,请联系站长,我们会及时删除侵权内容,谢谢合作! |
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